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Novel and Practical SDN-based Traceback Technique for Malicious Traffic over Anonymous Networks

Diverse anonymous communication systems are widely deployed as they can provide the online privacy protection and Internet anti-censorship service. However, these systems are severely abused and a large amount of anonymous traffic is malicious. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel and practical traceback technique to confirm the communication relationship between the suspicious server and the user. We leverage the software-defined network (SDN) switch at a destination server side to intercept target traffic towards the server and alter the advertised TCP window sizes so as to stealthily vary the traffic rate at the server. By carefully varying the traffic rate, we can successfully modulate a secret signal into the traffic. The traffic carrying the signal passes through the anonymous communication system and reaches the SDN switch at the user side. Then we can detect the modulated signal from the traffic so as to confirm the communication relationship between the server and the user. To validate the feasibility and effectiveness of our technique, extensive real-world experiments are performed using three popular anonymous communication systems, i.e., SSH tunnel, OpenVPN tunnel, and Tor. The results demonstrate that the detection rates approach 100% for SSH and Open VPN and 95% for Tor while the false positive rates are significantly low, approaching 0% for these three systems.


   凌振博士,东南大学计算机学科与工程学院副教授,国家优秀青年基金获得者。于2005年和2014年分别获得南京工程学院计算机科学与技术学士学位和东南大学计算机应用技术博士学位。研究方向为网络安全、匿名网络、智能终端安全及物联网安全。20088月至200911月,在香港城市大学计算机科学系任副研究员参与网络安全相关研究工作,20118月至20138月访问加拿大维多利亚大学计算机系并从事相关研究工作。2014年任东南大学计算机学科与工程学院讲师,2017年破格为东南大学计算机学科与工程学院副教授并工作至今。近年来凌振博士发表学术论文50余篇,其中CCF推荐A类期刊/会议论文17篇,包括重要国际期刊,如IEEE/ACM ToNIEEE TIFSIEEE TPDSIEEE TCIEEE TDSC,以及重要国际会议,如国际计算机安全会议ACM CCS和国际计算机网络会议INFOCOM,其中在CCS09会议论文是自CCS创立16年来中国大陆研究机构首次以第一作者单位在CCS会议上发表的论文。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年、面上和优秀青年基金项目,国家重点研发计划课题,江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目和优秀青年基金项目等。此外多次受邀在重要国内外学术会议作特邀报告,如国际著名黑客会议Black Hat上演讲2次,中国互联网安全大会(ISC 2014),中国计算机大会(CNCC 2015)特邀报告人等,相关研究成果还受到中央电视台科教频道CCTV10《走近科学》栏目的支持,录制为2015年第二届国家网络安全宣传周系列节目《看不见的危险之我看见了你的密码》进行报道。获得2014ACM中国优秀博士论文奖、2015CCF优秀博士论文奖、2014ACM南京分会卓越博士奖、国际会议CSCWD 2017 Best Application Paper Award2016年黑客极棒竞赛(GeekPwn)优胜奖等奖项。